Mod er Mærker
It was meant as healing through the de-stigmatization of emotions into serious illness and death, through conversation, collaboration and creative collective process. In the beginning the work was only words. In a vulnerable moment of connecting into topic of illness it was shared. That led to an exploration on how to rid ourselves of the fear and change with and within expression. The words and processing did cause change and healing - and collaboration between Janne K. Hansen (jewelery artist), Malene Lerager (bookbinder) and Lene Harbo Pedersen (words and concept). What do you do when you have cancer but both parents have illness far more serious than your own? Curator and photographer Lene Harbo Pedersen was one of three in the family who had cancer at the same time. It raised questions of grief and care. About death and love. It created a strong interest in the society dealing with sickness and with sickness in society. For how we connect in the deeper layers, but also involuntarily can feel cut off. Process has become a focal point. This time the project collaborate with artist and exhibition director Lars Koepsel, who during exhibition period will work in his space AoA on a floor to ceiling three wall mural piece ‘Expected’. As often he works on an exploration of words and what they do. The Mod er mærker installation will be surrounded by Koepsels work in progress, but also mark his work, as a small irritations. We work with the unexpected into the expected; A poetic, photographic, handmade process work constantly changing like our bodies. The curator and artist and one of the modermærker (muttermale/birthmarks) Lene Harbo Pedersen will be present in the space while Lars Koepsel is painting. We invite you to come by for dialogue, maybe to read a little or to participate in an evening meditation. Photographer Jörg Koopmann will visit one early evening. He will show more of his photographs from the universal privacy, an ongoing serie that after 154 consecutive slides made photographer legend Anders Pedersen in a workshop situation, utter 'I want more'. Janne K. Hansen will make an artist talk about jewelry as art, about the marks and we talk about how important it is that we consider the marks as love too. Stay with the trouble, as a wise woman says.